The club is a long, established Melbourne based radio control model aircraft club, born in the early eighties by a small group of modelers who simply wanted to enjoy each other’s company whilst pursuing their common interest of flying model aircraft, free to explore the different facets of the hobby without the pressures of competition. This objective is unchanged today and we pride ourselves on our tradition of training new members and introducing them to the same pleasures of building and flying their own aircraft that we enjoy. We are therefore by definition a “sport and training club” but at its heart we do what we do because we just get joy from seeing our creations fly and the ability to control our creations from a hand-held magic box is still wondrous. We see no need to prove you can fly faster, higher, better or more accurately than the next person-we maintain our enthusiasm without competition. This is not to say our organization discourages members challenging themselves to improve their flying skills or tackle a difficult project; quite the opposite. The beauty of the way we operate is that all members have the entire skill and experience base of the club freely available at call to help them achieve their objective and goals. To see a beginner go “solo” or to witness the successful maiden flight of a new creation brings great pleasure to all and these events are much celebrated. Our club generates interest in a wide variety of model types from gliders, electric, scale and many others although we do not encourage the development of special interest or splinter groups. Our common interest creates enduring camaraderie within the organization, strong friendships are made and the social aspects of discussing events and experiences are as important to most members as the flying aspects of the club. Our “statement of purpose” is well summarized in our constitution which reads; “The objects of the club are to foster and promote the art of radio control model aircraft, to organize and encourage good will to all that become associated with the club, and to develop the construction and flying skills of its members”. If the above appeals to you, then SEMAC will be the club for you.
Airplane Clubs