Latest News
Wings November 2024
Hello Fellow Aeromodellers, For the month of October the following members have received their wings. Congratulations...
Wings October 2024
Hello Fellow Aeromodellers, For the month of October the following members have received their wings. Congratulations...
Drone Safety
Dear Members, This is a message to remind everyone of the importance of operating drones safely. Safety in this sport...
The Victorian Model Aircraft Association (VMAA) brings together aeromodelling clubs from across Victoria under the national umbrella of the Model Aeronautical Association of Australia (MAAA). The VMAA provides guidance, leadership and administration assistance to foster safe, inclusive and friendly facilities for all aspects of model aircraft.
From simple to complex, through to relaxing recreation or challenging competitions, and covering free-flight, control-line, radio-control and even rocketry.
Our regular event and competition
*If your club event is not listed here or the details are not correct, please forward a detailed email to the VMAA Contest Director so that it can be updated. A link can be added if you have a flyer or other notice that you wish to appear on this page.
Don’t miss any update, find the latest bulletin about our activities, event and many more.